Top 15 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Digital Photography
There is no photography world without mistakes. It does not really matter whether you are a professional or a beginner, there are some mistakes that you make without understanding. By these mistakes, sometimes it becomes easier to determine the level of the photographer. This article is intended to make your work easier, and to make you understand what are your biggest mistakes. So, here are top 15 common mistakes that you should avoid in digital photography.
1. Usage of selective colors
There were times, when using a selective colors was very fashionate and interesting. However it is in the past. It is out of fashion now. There are really few pictures, where selective colors can be applied. So, make sure to don’t use them at all or at least use them in a very appropriate way.
2. Intense saturation
It is true that we all love colors and colorful photos attract everyone. However, if you make your photo oversaturated, people will stop noticing the reality in it and will not pay attention to it. If you notice that there are colors that are not natural, then you stop oversaturating the photos.
3. Intense contrast
Contrast can make your photo a wonderful one or it can destroy everything. It only depends on how much you apply it. If you feel that the photo is unusual to your eyes, then make sure to decrease the contrast.
4. Dust spots on the photos
It may seem to you a very simple mistake, but there are many photos that would just look wonderful without that dirty spots. Note, that these spots appear mostly on the sensors, instead of lens or other part of your camera.
5. Shooting from above
One of the most annoying mistakes in photography is shooting everything from above. For example, if you shoot children or pets, you should get down on your knees or lay down on the floor in order to have the best results. Shooting from below will help you get rid of some objects that should not be in the photo, like floor, chair and so on.
6. Compositions
One of the things you should stop doing is making compositions out of your photos. It will really look unnatural if you add or delete some details to the photos. Make sure to shoot in a perfect place in order to avoid such compositions.
7. Putting camera on manual focus
Sometimes, when you need your camera too much, it may have a problem of focusing. The reason is that sometimes you put it on manual focus, and it gets harder for the camera to choose the right focus.
8. Putting watermarks
Watermarks are necessary if you want to protect your photos. These are texts on the photos, that make it easier to identify the photographer and to protect the rights. However if you put the watermark in the wrong place, it can ruin the whole photo.
9. Too high or too low ISO
If you forget to change the ISO of your camera, after shooting in the dark, it may decrease the quality of your photo, when you try shooting at a lighter place. So, make sure to always change the ISO, according to the circumstances.
10. Making photos with diffusions
The diffusion filters were awesome in the past, for example during 1950-1970’s. But now, you just don’t need to use these filters, if you want to be an up-to-date photographer. So, find out other filters and try to be creative.
11. Overexposed or underexposed photos
Even the best photo can be totally destroyed if it is not correctly exposed. This is the light that appears in your photo. If the camera is exposed to too much light, then your photo will be overexposed and it will be too bright. On the contrary, if the camera is exposed to little light, your photo will be underexposed and it will be dark.
12. Not removing the red eye
You can think that this is very simple and nobody makes this mistake, but you are not right! There are many portraits, that would be just great, if you remove the red eye. Fortunately, with the help of photo-editing tools, it is very easy to correct this mistake.
13. Additional objects in the background
How many photos do you have that are destroyed just because of the additional objects? So, in order to not have this anymore, make sure to check the background and the surroundings of the object that you are shooting.
14. Object is too far from the camera
It is really annoying, when the main object is barely visible in the photo. If you want to impress people, then you should have a clear photo of the given subject. Make sure to zoom enough or crop later in order to have the desired result.
15. Noise in the photo
The best photos can be ruined, because of the noise. The noise appears when you don’t shoot at the highest resolution. Make sure to shoot at the best quality, in order to not have that annoying noise in your photo.
So, here are the top 15 mistakes that you should avoid, if you want to succeed in the digital photography. Are there other mistakes not mentioned here? Share them with us in the comments below.
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